Thursday, January 31, 2013

Looking for a Job? Apply at small businesses.

With folks loosing their jobs everyday, the cost of living increasing, the economy trying to improve, people are looking for better jobs or even just looking for a job for their livelihood.
Traditionally, we are taught to look at big companies since they give the impression of better stability, job security and better salary. Since 2008, we have learned otherwise. In fact big business have been cutting thousands, millions job due to poor financial performance, due to mismanagement or just to generate more profits. Big companies known as too big to fail have proven not to be as reliable for those seeking jobs or even their employees, since there is always a job cut cloud looming over their head.
While big companies have been focusing on cutting jobs, small businesses have been hiring workers. According to the labor department, small businesses added 3 million new jobs in the second quarter of last year which more than half of the new jobs. Let’s mention that small businesses only accounts for just 30% of all private sector jobs.
For those looking for new jobs, perhaps it will be best to also consider small businesses in your quest.

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